Ever since we found M's Christmas bike, I've been wanting to take him to a ridge trail above Berkeley for an off-road ride. Today the whole family went, with four bikes on the roof of the car. We started from the Steam Trains in the Berkeley hills, riding north. M's bike, while arguable the most mountain bike-ish, was also the heaviest, meaning he had to pedal mightily on uphills. We learned about riding down steep slopes with controlled speed, starting on an uphill, weaving across the trail when things are too steep, enjoying a snack by the side of the trail. Both kids did great, with much stick-to-it-iveness and willingness seemingly intact to do this again sometime.
On Saturday morning, the Alameda parks department hosted its annual sand castle contest. M's cub scout team was scheduled to enter, but our family enjoyed a slow start to the morning and simply visited by bicycle at midday for a picnic excursion. There were some very inventive designs:
M's little leage coach organized a trip to the ballpark to watch the A's take on the Seattle Mariners on Wednesday night. Wednesday's are $1 hot dog night (limit 10 per purchase), so you know what we ate for dinner! The A's hit well and fielded well, winning by 8-2 or something like that. We sat in the bleachers, which used to mean the wooden stands beyond the outfield, but in this rennovated park just meant open seating beyond the outfield in regular plastic seats, back where the concession stands are sparse since the folk in the luxury skyboxes above your head have full meal service! No sweaters needed, and we were in the shadow of the wind.
Gi was 65 today, Gu 70, so a celebration was held in Tiverton. There was talk, games, music-making, eating, drink. Everyone was in good humor under grey skies but no rain. Everyone asked about my family and looked forward to August when we'll all be here together. Many greetings from everybody. Here some photos from the day.
"Topfschlagen" (pot-hitting), where a blindfolded player strikes wooden spoon around the floor hoping to strike an inverted pot with a prize inside. The onlookers shout "warmer" or "colder" to help direct them.
Up at 5:30 this morning, already light, to my surprise. I was on the road by 5:40. A quarter mile from the hotel I started down Chickatawbut Rd into the Blue Hills Reservation, and an immediate uphill. Quiet road through woods, saw at least 10 other bicyclists. Stopped at the visitors center for a snack and headed back. Discovered half my future commute route in the process.